Today is an exclusive live video interview with Lisa Smartt, for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.

Lisa Smartt is one such person.
Lisa Smartt is the author of the book “Words at the Threshold: What We Say As We’re Nearing Death,” and the Director of the Final Words Project.
She is a linguist, educator and poet, and a close collaborator with Raymond Moody, the pioneering physician whose research on near death experiences helped explain the phenomena of the near death experience.
The Final Words Project is an ongoing study devoted to collecting and interpreting the mysterious language at the end of lives, and has a lot to tell us about life, death, the nature of reality, and consciousness.
I spoke with Lisa by Skype, and during our conversation we talked about her background as a linguist and what got her interested in the concept of final words; the words people speak as they near the end of their lives; the various common patterns she hears in this speech; why these words may be classified as “non-sense,” while not being “nonsense”; how her work with the pioneering doctor Raymond Moody opened her eyes to the realm of the threshold; how her father’s death led her on this path; what final words tell us about the nature of consciousness and reality; and more.
Lisa’s work is paradigm-shifting and helping us to understand better the nature of life, consciousness and reality, and the multidimensional layers of existence.
To learn more about Lisa Smartt’s work, and to be a part of her research work, go to
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