Today is an exclusive live video interview with Eric Schnell for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.
Eric Schnell is one such person.
Eric Schnell is a businessman, and in that capacity is a powerful representative of the new paradigm we are upon, in society, business and culture: this new paradigm is one of transformational change, and one that is creating an enlightened and evolved consciousness that is seeping into all aspects of life. He is the Co-Creator of I AM enlightened creations, Founder of MetaBrand and Co-Founder of Steaz.
Eric’s early childhood was centered in Eastern spirituality. He was raised in an ashram, where he learned the fundamental belief systems supporting universal consciousness, meditation, quantum physics and sacred geometry. In the early 2000s, Eric launched Steaz, a well-respected and highly successful line of all-natural, organic and fair trade tea-based beverages.
Currently, working in conjunction with his wife, Marci Zaroff-Schnell (who was interviewed previously for the Interviews with the Leading Edge series), Eric co-created the I AM movement.
Both Eric and Marci approach each day together in pursuit of deeper love, light and consciousness. Feeding off of their connection to universal source energy, these modern day thought-leaders have created multiple ‘triple bottom line’ businesses that are dedicated to promoting health, wellness and spirituality through transformative food, fiber and beauty products.
In divine synchronicity, Eric and Marci were honored for the first time together as co-recipients of the 2007 “Socially Responsible Business Award,” granted by New Hope Media. They were also featured together as successful “values-driven entrepreneurs” in Entrepreneur Magazine. Now in union, Eric and Marci have set out to create a life together dedicated to spreading the messages of love and light through their multiple business platforms and product collections.
Drawing from ancient philosophy, modern spirit-science and the I AM “Law of Attraction,” Eric and Marci co-created I AM enlightened creations as a new generation of lifestyle products of the highest quality, vibration and efficacy. Together, they strive to deepen their understanding of universal consciousness and alternative healing systems to share the very best products through the I AM brand.
I met with Eric at his office in Edison, NJ. At his office, he has a staff of twelve people helping him put forth his vision into the world, and as you will see from the interview, it is a far-ranging vision that he articulates clearly, concisely, passionately and with a deep abiding love for humanity.
Eric truly understands, and speaks from his heart, about the interconnectedness of life at all levels – from the quantum level to our everyday manifest world – and through his actions, deeds, thoughts and ideas, is a true Quantum Revolutionary, helping to create a more enlightened, holistic and sustainable world.
To learn more about Eric’s vision, work and I AM enlightened creations, you can go to www.thinkiam.com
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