Today is an exclusive live video interview with Michael Finkelstein, M.D., for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.
Dr. Finkelstein is a Holistic Physician, who lives and works on his farm in Bedford, New York. He is the founder and Medical Director of SunRaven, A Center for Holistic and Skillful Living, and the author of the book, “77 Questions for Skillful Living: A New Path to Extraordinary Health.”
He received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his advanced training in Integrative Medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona School of Medicine. Dr. Finkelstein was formerly the medical director of Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, NY and the Chief of the Departments of Medicine and Integrative Medicine there as well.

His practice has evolved over the years to focus on the “living” aspect of health, particularly our relationships to each other, nature and the divine. His life and his passion is now dedicated to helping others achieve extraordinary health through the pursuit of meaning and purpose.
I met with Michael at his farm in Bedford, NY, where I was first greeted by the farm mascot, a peacock who also lives on the farm.
The setting for SunRaven is peaceful and tranquil, and truly is focused on healing. In a setting like this, one’s own inner calm and stillpoint is easier to access; and when that happens, it allows for a process to occur in which a person can more readily tap into their own healing powers, and by doing so, get to know themselves better.
Michael Finkelstein, M.D., is on the cutting edge of a new kind of medicine, one that he calls “Slow Medicine.” This is a type of medicine that asks us to slow down in all facets of life and listen to what the inherent wisdom of body, mind, soul and nature are asking of us.
Michael considers himself a Doctor of Common Sense, and the advice he dispenses is truly that, pure common sense.
Listening to our own common sense, and our – and nature’s – inherent wisdom, is the path not only to achieve more profound healing; this is also the path to achieve more profound living, what Michael calls “Skillful Living.”
Skillful living is the title of his book, “77 Questions for Skillful Living.” This book, which teaches skillful living, helps guide us not only to become healthier, but also to understand what our purpose is for living.
It is a book that will change your health and change your life. And it has the capability to help achieve true health care reform, not only in the U.S., but in the world.
To learn more about Dr. Michael Finkelstein’s work and to buy a copy of his book, you can go to http://www.drmichaelfinkelstein.com/
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