Today is an exclusive live video interview with Gerard Senehi, for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.
Gerard Senehi is one such person.
Gerard Senehi is a world-renowned mentalist and cultural change agent with a passion for expanding our notions of what’s possible.
As a mentalist, he evokes mystery and inspires his audiences to be open to question their ideas and beliefs. His work has earned the admiration of world leaders, celebrities, and Fortune 500 CEOs, as well as the national and international media.
As a cultural change agent, he is the Founder of the Open Future Institute. In addition to his work with Open Future Institute, he directs his creative and philanthropic energy as a board member and facilitator for organizations and projects that encourage an active questioning and development of our shared values, beliefs, and worldviews. He lives in New York City with his wife, Francesca, and regularly convenes a cross-section of the city’s brightest minds in “Evolutionary Salons” to explore questions of human purpose and potential.
The current project that Gerard is involved in is a program run by his Open Future Institute. Called the QUESTion Project, it is a program that adheres to the Open Future Institute mission, one in which they believe that cultural values, worldviews, and ways of defining meaning are at the heart of the human journey, and that evolving these “invisible” systems is the key to making room for the possibilities ahead and solving many of the all-too-visible problems that confront the world.
The QUESTion Project empowers young people to explore their values, worldviews and aspirations, while developing the courage to forge their own identity and future with meaning and purpose. It addresses the most important questions and choices that young people face as they become young adults and begin to take responsibility for their own life and future. It enables them to question and define their outlook on life, pursue their deepest aspirations, and define their role in making the world a better place.
By engaging youth with some of life’s biggest questions, it is empowering the change-makers of today and tomorrow to shape their lives with inspiration, meaning and purpose.
I met with Gerard at his New York City apartment that overlooks Central Park, and there we had a deep and engaging conversation about his work with the QUESTion Project and its approach to opening the minds and perceptions of students through the five-pillar structure that facilitates a journey into fundamental human questions.
When we met, which was in the early spring, Gerard, his wife Francesca, and his staff were leading the QUESTion Project in a high school in the Bronx, teaching three 50 minute electives per day. They were there because they had been invited in by the school’s visionary principal, who saw the profound value in what they had to offer.
Gerard Senehi is truly a person with a dynamic vision for changing the world and making it a better place, and his vision entails changing the minds of young people and affording them the ability to think deeply.
To learn more about the Open Future Institute, you can go to http://openfutureinstitute.org/
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