Interviews with the Leading Edge: An Interview with Diane Williams, Part 2

Today is the second part of a three-part interview with Diane Williams, the Founder and President of the Source of Synergy Foundation.
The Source of Synergy Foundation is an organization committed to consciously synergizing individuals, organizations and efforts by tapping into the infinite source of the collective potential to serve as a positive force for global transformation.
And as we know, the only way to achieve a Quantum Revolution, a movement towards a more sustainable, holistic and enlightened society and world, is through a global transformation in consciousness, thinking and doing.
Diane is someone on the leading edge of the consciousness revolution, and has been working in the field of transformative change, both personal and cultural/social, for many years. She has been involved with the United Nations, serving on various NGO committees, and has received a number of awards, including the PEMAC Peace Award.
Diane also directs the Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution Circle, an organization she began with Deepak Chopra. The Evolutionary Leaders organization is composed of many of the leading voices for the consciousness revolution: The Quantum Revolution.
In today’s segment, Diane discusses:
***the possibility of a tipping point, whereby a certain percentage of the population achieves a higher degree of human consciousness and thinking capabilities, and by this occurring, a profound transformational shift occurs
***Her attendance at the Rio + 20 Summit this past July, and her reflections on it
***What we can and cannot expect from our political leaders in terms of transformative change
***What an individual can do on a singular basis in order to affect positive change and transformation
***What the Evolutionary Leaders organization is, how it came to be, and who are some of its members
To learn more of Diane’s work, go to:
The Source of Synergy Foundation
Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution Circle
and on Facebook: Evolutionary Leaders
To be continued – Part 3 of this 3-part interview will appe
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