Today is an exclusive live video interview with Heidi L. Sieck, for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.
Heidi L. Sieck is one such person.
Heidi L Sieck is helping to transform our political system at its core by making it more inclusive. She is a civic entrepreneur bringing 25 years of innovation and activism to the intersection of technology, politics and well being while fueling an obsession with elevating women to positions of leadership.
She is currently Co-Founder/CEO of #VOTEPROCHOICE and most recently the founding Chief Operating Office of Democracy.com and Civic Hall.
Read Heidi’s detailed biographical information.
I caught up with Heidi via Skype, and in the interview she talks about her childhood in Nebraska and being born into a family of democratic state legislators; how she is helping to bring more women into positions of political leadership; her advocacy for reproductive rights; how government can be a force for good; why women voted against their own best interests by voting for Donald Trump; how to bridge the partisan divide; why we must engage politically; why people involved in personal transformation and health and wellness cannot sit idly by; and more.
To learn more about Heidi’s work, you can go to voteprochoice.us or ctznwell.org
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