Today is an exclusive live video interview with Mark Nepo, for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.
Mark Nepo is one such person.
Mark is the author of the NY Times bestseller, “The Book of Awakening,” and has written in total 18 books. His most recent book is “The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart.”
Read Mark’s detailed biographical information.
I met up with Mark while he was in New York City to give a talk at the New York Open Center. In case you’re not familiar with the New York Open Center, it offers holistically-based educational programs to create positive transformation in individuals and the world and was founded in 1984 with the intention of creating a forum for a new generation of seekers.
During our in-depth conversation, Mark and I talked about about his own healing journey from cancer, his own transformation and awakening, his work with Oprah Winfrey, what the art of humanity is, awakening and the turbulence of being alive, the unique gift each of us has, the career of awakening, what the election of Donald Trump means, and more.
Mark speaks from the heart, and his profound insights are the pearls of wisdom of a sage. He is a poet, a traveler, a seeker, and someone who embodies the authentic life of an awakened human being. Just watching the interview can help you on your own path of awakening.
To learn more about Mark’s work, you can go to marknepo.com and also threeintentions.com
Michael Wayne’s comment about Mark Nepo’s interview in N.Y.C., was very good. He states “He is a poet, a traveler, a seeker and someone who embodies the authentic life of a human being”. The interview is encouraging and beneficial for all who would like to take a moment to listen to Mark Nepo.
I was deeply intrigued by Mark Nepo’s statement “Broken Open”.
Thank you Michael Wayne, for sharing a great interview.
Thank you Lara for your comments. Mark is someone who walks his talk, and has a lot of wisdom to impart. I’m glad you appreciated the interview.