Today is an exclusive live video interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard, for the interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge.”
In this series of interviews, I engage with people who are on the leading edge of transformational change, doing work to further the consciousness revolution and how it is manifesting in culture, politics and spirituality, in order to help bring along a more enlightened society.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is one such person.
Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution of our time” by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book “The Mother of Invention.” A prolific author of 7 books, visionary, social innovator and educator, she is founder of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Its purpose is to accelerate our conscious evolution.
She is the producer and narrator of the award-winning documentary series entitled Humanity Ascending: A New Way through Together. As a global ambassador for the conscious evolution movement she partnered with The Shift Network and formed a team to co-produce the world-wide multi-media event entitled, “Birth 2012: Co-Creating a Planetary Shift in Time” on Dec. 22, 2012 – a historic turning-point event; awakening the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential of humanity.
Currently she is developing on-line courses on conscious evolution and cocreation on the Shift Network reaching many 1000s of students world-wide. She is activating The Wheel of Cocreation as a model for social synergy and whole system shift, with examples developing in Cairo, Egypt, in Monterrey, Mexico, as well as in Chicago and Tampa, Florida. Her seminal book “Conscious Evolution” will be republished in an updated version in January 2015. Also her new “Evolutionary Testament: An evolutionary vision of the future inspired by the Gospels, Acts and Epistles,” will be published on January 2015.
In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for a “Peace Room” to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and the world. She also co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new concept called “SYNCON to foster synergistic convergence with opposing groups. She is a co-founder of The Association for Global New Thought and The World Future Society.
I met with Barbara at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, where she was teaching a class. Barbara and I engaged in a conversation regarding conscious evolution and its importance in our evolutionary journey towards greater human potential; the meaning of co-creating with the creative impulse of the universe; Barbara’s own life journey and the burning question that drove her life; the influence of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in her life; why the Vatican singled Barbara out for criticism; the hope for finding our way into the future; her new class offering, “Cocreators Rising’; and many other topics.
Barbara is an incredibly vibrant, brilliant and inspirational role model for all of us, at any age. Her ideas, thoughts and actions personify someone who has deeply realized what it means to be human and what it means to be part of the evolutionary experience on planet Earth.
I hope you enjoy watching the interview with her.
To learn more about Barbara’s work, activities and schedule, go to www.evolve.org
It’s hard to believe that Barbara Marx Hubbard is 85 years old at the time of this interview. She is brimming with extraordinarily youthful energy and excitement. It is an interesting view that she shares about evolution and its direction. Obviously, only time will tell for sure what is to happen and yet it is very empowering to hear her say that we are not victims of circumstances, that we can make changes beyond our imagination. Many blessings Barbara, keep spreading the word – so many of us need to hear what you have to say.