Hope comes in two flavors - starry-eyed and true. Starry-eyed hope is believing in something Pollyanna-style that can never come to fruition, while true hope is believing in something that can be made to become real.
If I hope I end up with a million dollars in my bank account, it's starry-eyed hope, if I don't do anything to try and make that a possibility. I might as well just keep my head in the sand and continue with my hopeful fantasies.
If I want to envision a better life for myself or a better world for all, that is true hope, because it can happen. For it to become a reality, I would have to envision what that world might look like, and then take whatever action I can to make it transpire.
It Starts With True Hope
It always starts with true hope. When you have hope, it becomes a force - a force that keeps your soul on fire. That hopeful desire burns in you, and you then feel the pull of that force as it makes you feel awake, alive, and full of … [Read more...]