In my prior post, The Revolution That’s Coming is the Revolution Within Us, I pointed to the movement towards an evolved open culture as what will bring forth this revolution.
When we live in an evolved open culture, the power of synergy comes into play, the power of a superior collaborative intelligence also comes into play, and the dreams of humans, things that seemed impossible, become possible.
When ideas are allowed to flourish without impediments, without the old way of control and domination – the hallmarks of a closed society – humans can then live to their utmost creative potential.

The old way of control and domination has brought us the problems we have in the world: they are the root cause of the crises that dot the planet. The desire to control and dominate is predicated on the disconnect that isolates us from one another and is motivated by the reptilian’s brain survival instincts.
But just like water will always find a way to course freely, no matter how much you try and dam it up, so it is with the human spirit: we want to be free, to be open. We want to live in an evolved open culture – that’s what we are called to do.
More and more people are feeling it and choosing that way. Many people are choosing to consciously evolve towards this way of living and being. Evolution is no longer ruled by natural selection, instead it’s flowing in the direction of actual selection – more and more people are choosing an evolved open culture over a closed one.

And as more people choose this way, it changes the way culture behaves. The world only gets better when people try and make it better by giving their gift to the world. And living in an evolved open way in an evolved open culture is truly a gift.
Living in this way is a gift that allows your mind to continually evolve to new ways of doing things; you then live on the leading edge of human existence.
In an evolved open culture, the walls that separate us come down; we are able to connect much more readily to one another, mind to mind and heart to heart. The ideas that are true, good and beautiful are the ones that readily spread and are distributed around the land and around the world.

This is why we live in an era of unprecedented innovation: the minds of people are bubbling up with the seeds of new ideas. This will not be stopped, it will continue and will be almost miraculous in what will manifest.
What will bubble up will be inspired, will be good, and will continue to motivate both people and culture to continue to live in resonance with an evolved open culture.
As it continues, it will reach a critical mass, pushing the mainstream of society, willingly or not, in that direction. And this is what will bring forth the revolution.
These are important points in my movie, “On the Path to Strawberry Fields.” For a limited time, you can watch the film for free: “On the Path to Strawberry Fields.”
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