Not too long ago, I did an interview with Heidi Sieck, civic entrepreneur and feminist activist, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
Heidi is … [Read more...]
Author…Healer…Change Agent
The 50 Components of a Quantum Revolution, as a PDF, and learn how you too can be a Quantum Revolutionary!
Not too long ago, I did an interview with Heidi Sieck, civic entrepreneur and feminist activist, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
Heidi is … [Read more...]
I sat down not too long ago with Lisa Smartt, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
Lisa Smartt is the author of the book “Words at the Threshold: What We Say As We’re … [Read more...]
In my recent conversation with Heidi L. Sieck, the CEO of #VOTEPROCHOICE, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video … [Read more...]
I sat down for a Skype conversation not too long ago with Heidi L. Sieck, the CEO of #VOTEPROCHOICE, a civic entrepreneur, and feminist activist, for my … [Read more...]
Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, is one of those things in life, if you take the time to ponder it, that can leave you awestruck - even if you're not a geek (which I profess to be). Pi has taken its place in the pantheon to such a degree that in 2009 the U.S. House of Representatives officially recognized March 14, 2009 as the first official National Pi Day, with every subsequent March 14 continuing in the same way. … [Read more...]
With the presidential election behind us, we as a people are at a precipice. The popular vote went one way and the electoral college another, and as a result Donald Trump will be the next president of the U.S.
People are hurting on both sides of the equation: those who voted for Trump feel the sting of an economy and world that is leaving them behind, and feel that they live in an America they no longer recognize. People who … [Read more...]
In a recent New York Times editorial entitled "The Bernie Sanders Revolution," the Times stated that, in so many words, voting for Sanders is useless because Sanders has no backing behind him.
In one of the paragraphs, the Times said: "Mr. Sanders’s own political career illustrates what can happen when a … [Read more...]
A few days after Christmas I saw two films on consecutive days , both of which are guaranteed to get a rise out of you: The Big Short, based on the best-selling book by Michael Lewis about the financial collapse of 2008; and Michael Moore's new documentary, Where to Invade Next, about more humane and civilized ways to live than how life is experienced here in the U.S.
These two films, individually and in tandem, could spark people … [Read more...]
Happy New Year - 2016!
This is the year the seeds of the fertile movement that's been coming to life begins to sprout and starts coming to fruition. This movement will usher in a revolution, the Quantum Revolution or Consciousness Revolution, one that will lead us to a more enlightened world.
And you can be part of it, just by embracing your power. All you have to do is Dream...Believe...Love, as the above music video that … [Read more...]
Today I'd like to talk about the health of the U.S.: I am sorry to report this but the United States is a sick country, and one that knows nothing about what health and healing truly is. Its medical system is highly flawed, in danger of collapse and is primarily a sick-care system. The U.S. spends twice as much on health care per capita than any other country, yet people are twice as sick due to the high rates of chronic disease: 75% of all … [Read more...]
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