As we enter into the season of light, the time of the solstice and the holidays, and as we enter into a new year, I give you my gift - the above short music video, entitled "Imagine/Vision." I encourage you to watch it with an open heart and an open mind - it may just inspire you.
The solstice is the darkest day of the year. Now that we are past the solstice, more light is present in our world.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, … [Read more...]
The Quantum Physics of Donald Trump
Here in the U.S., one of the stranger things in American history has occurred: the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the U.S.
I say strange on a number of accounts: because Trump is an odd and peculiar character, and because his election took a confluence of events to line up.
On one level, Trump is a bundle of contradictions: a billionaire born with a silver spoon in his mouth who appeals to populist values; a … [Read more...]
How Krishnamurti Unbrainwashed His Monkey
In a recent article I wrote, "How to Brainwash Your Monkey," I talked about how easily we can fall sway to the illusions and stories we tell ourselves or that others tell us, and that when we do so, we then identify with these stories, an identification that causes us to move far away from what is true.
And what happens is that by then … [Read more...]
Kurt Vonnegut Keeps Dreaming: Donald Trump Meets Kilgore Trout
Kurt Vonnegut was one of the most brilliant writers ever. He took a look at everyday life and translated it into a language of whimsy and absurdist fancy. At the same time he cut to the core of the human experience and conveyed an all-knowing sense of how we got ourselves into the big fat mess we're in.
He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and as he wrote in Slaughterhouse-Five and other books, he witnessed, as a POW, … [Read more...]
John Wayne Vs. The Buddha: The Quantum Mind Gets Political!
John Wayne represented the quintessential go it alone American, ready to stand up and fight for American values. This was the role he played in many of his movies - whether he was the cowboy, the outlaw, or the solider - and his personal political viewpoints were mirror images of his movie roles.
This viewpoint is one that believes that it's my country right or wrong, and that you're either with me or against me. It's rugged … [Read more...]
Love Is But the Song We Sing, and Fear’s the Way We Die
The title of this post, "Love is But the Song We Sing, and Fear's the Way We Die," comes from the classic 1960's song "Get Together" by the Youngbloods.
You can watch the video with the lyrics above.
Some might dismiss this as a 1960's utopian peace, love and granola song, but the words ring true decades later:
Love is but the song we sing,And fear's the way we dieYou can make the mountains … [Read more...]The Visioneer Laboratory, Infinity, and the Quest for an Open Future
Recently, on Tuesday, June 14, I facilitated the first of what will be many Visioneer Laboratories. In a two-hour span, 30 attendees got to practice using their Visioneer capabilities, and in the process the room was lit up with the excitement that a scene of genius - [Read more...]
The Visioneer Laboratory: Exploring the Possible and Impossible
On Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30pm in Saratoga Springs, NY, I will be facilitating and curating a very special event in which all participants will be guided into using their Visioneer mind.
This free event is called "The Visioneer Laboratory: Exploring the Possible and Impossible," and will take place at the Saratoga Springs Public Library, 49 Henry … [Read more...]
Today: Free Webinar – “The Quantum Revolution: How to Access Your Leading Edge”
Later today, Thursday, May 19 at 9pm Eastern time, I'll be hosting a webinar entitled "The Quantum Revolution: How to Access Your Leading Edge."
It will be a very enlightening conversation about the power of the enlightened mind to open up and dream, innovate, create and discover new possibilities - in other words, to access your leading … [Read more...]
Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Dream is Coming True: The Power of the Visioneer
Nikola Tesla was a Visioneer par excellence. He was an inventor, engineer and physicist, and through his far-sighted vision, he was able to visualize things and bring them to fruition.
[Please note: You are also a Visioneer. Join me for my webinar, "The … [Read more...]