Nikola Tesla was a Visioneer par excellence. He was an inventor, engineer and physicist, and through his far-sighted vision, he was able to visualize things and bring them to fruition.
[Please note: You are also a Visioneer. Join me for my webinar, “The Quantum Revolution: How to Access Your Leading Edge” on Thursday, May 19 at 9pm Eastern time to learn how to become a Visioneer.]
Tesla’s work was in the field of energy. He invented alternating current and the alternating current induction motor. He designed the first hydroelectric power plant in Niagara Falls in 1895. Other of his discoveries were the fluorescent light, laser beam, wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, Tesla’s turbines and vertical take off aircraft.
Tesla is the father of the radio and the modern electrical transmissions systems, and his vision included exploration of solar energy and the power of the sea.
Tesla’s greatest dream was deriving free energy from the universe, from the cosmic rays, and he developed a radiant energy receiver to harness these rays. He said of free energy, “This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities.”
Tesla believed that the sun and the universe generate highly charged particles and that radiant matter is a re-transmitter of energy, and that this transfer of energy could be used for practical purposes. In 1898 he laid out an ambitious plan to transmit electrical power without wires, using his technology of a radiant energy receiver. In 1899, he managed to wirelessly transmit enough energy to power 200 light bulbs that were nearly 26 miles away.
From there, Tesla proposed a global system of massive towers that would form a worldwide communications network, as well as provide a means to deliver electricity over vast areas – all without wires.

Construction on the first tower began in 1901. J.P. Morgan, who was one of Tesla’s backers, invested $150,000. But before the tower could be completed, Morgan convinced all the financial backers to pull their funding. The reason? Tesla’s financial backers worried that electricity transmitted through the air couldn’t be metered, and thus they couldn’t profit from it.
Tesla continued to work on the idea, but without the backers, his dream never came to fruition. Tesla’s dream would still be laying dormant, if not for a Visioneer who came of her idea out of thin air.
Visioneers often do come of their ideas out of thin air, and often times it is an idea that is not in a field they are fully immersed in. They are willing to dream and open their minds to possibilities and the tackling of things that never were by saying “Why not?” They know how to access their leading edge, question the status quo and seek out new and alternative ways of doing things.
In this case, the person was a then 22-year-old college student named Meredith Perry, who in 2011 was thinking about her cell phone, laptop and tablet, and how they were all wireless, except when they had to be plugged in – when plugged in, they were tethered. She wondered, why isn’t there wireless charging capabilities?

She was not an engineer; she was studying astrobiology. But the question vexed her, and she wasn’t going to let her lack of engineering skills stop her. She thought, what if she could use ultrasound, which is invisible and silent, to generate air vibrations and convert them into wireless power? Experts told her it was impossible, that there was no way to generate electricity through sound waves.
Undaunted, Meredith Perry found alliances with investors and engineers, and at first a prototype was developed. Now, a few years into it, they have 18 patents and Perry’s company, uBeam, plans to launch their wireless charging products to the public very soon.
uBeam isn’t even the only company working on transmitting electricity over long distances. Energous and Ossia are using radio waves to do so, as opposed to uBeam’s transmission using sound waves.
Regardless of whether these technologies work – and if they don’t right away, they will be perfected until they do – the reality is that Tesla’s dream is coming to fruition. And we have Visioneers to thank.
Nikola Tesla was a Visioneer and Meredith Perry is a Visioneer. And there are millions more people who are Visioneers, people who are willing to access their leading edge and dream of things that never were and say “Why not?”
Come join Michael Wayne on a free webinar, “The Quantum Revolution: How to Access Your Leading Edge,” on Thursday, May 19 at 9pm Eastern time, to learn how to become a Visioneer, in order to help you embrace your greatness and also to help you open your mind and heart to this new reality, that of an evolved open culture. Be part of this Revolution, in your own life and in the life of others.
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