As we enter into the season of light, the time of the solstice and the holidays, and as we enter into a new year, I give you my gift – the above short music video, entitled “Imagine/Vision.” I encourage you to watch it with an open heart and an open mind – it may just inspire you.
The solstice is the darkest day of the year. Now that we are past the solstice, more light is present in our world.

As we turn the corner into a new year, let’s imagine/vision the world we want to see. Let’s bring light, love, compassion and art onto the world.
We all have visionary capabilities – the mind is infinite. We all have the power to bring forward the world we want to see.
Many have walked down that road, through their ideas, words and actions. These courageous exemplars are our role models and inspiration.

We need visionaries. We need people who dare to dream and dare to inspire. We need people like you.
In this season of light, I wish much light and much love unto you. May you continue to vision/imagine – you are not the only one.
If we are to create a Quantum Revolution, if we are to move towards an evolved open culture and a more holistic, sustainable and enlightened world, then we need to vision/imagine the world our hearts know is true, and then put it into action.
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