Not too long ago, I did an interview with Heidi Sieck, civic entrepreneur and feminist activist, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
Heidi is … [Read more...]
Author…Healer…Change Agent
The 50 Components of a Quantum Revolution, as a PDF, and learn how you too can be a Quantum Revolutionary!
Not too long ago, I did an interview with Heidi Sieck, civic entrepreneur and feminist activist, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
Heidi is … [Read more...]
With the holidays upon us, and a new year coming, it's time to remember: we can bring forth the world our hearts tell us is possible, a most beautiful world.
All you have to do, as the above video that I made shows you, is Dream...Believe...Love.
It's been a most disruptive year, and a most chaotic year, but out of the swirl of chaos, new worlds and new lives are born anew. Each of … [Read more...]
In these tumultuous and disruptive times, when up seems down and wrong seems right, one thing all of us crave, and have always craved, is inner peace.
Inner peace carries us through the darkest night of the soul. It can allow us to weather the storm and help us shine light, love and compassion on others.
There is a lot to feel angry about right now, as we watch our society being ripped apart by a torrent of negative words, … [Read more...]
In a world that seems to have lost its bearings, a world in which hate and cynicism appear to be the main standard bearers, what remains that is everlasting and good? Love. Hope. Optimism.
So here comes U2, with their new album, "Songs of Experience," to remind us of that. With songs such as “Love Is All We Have Left” and “Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way," they declare, “Nothing to … [Read more...]
In my previous article, Getting Past What the F**k, I talked about the tumultuous time we live in, and that every day is a What the F**k moment, thanks to the current occupant of the White House and his manner of operating, which is to promote lies, distortions, hate, and crazy.
I said in … [Read more...]
It's been a crazy, tumultuous year, one that I still have a hard time wrapping my head around. I'm talking about the year that has seen Donald Trump become President of the U.S.
Since being elected, Trump's brutish and thuggish personality has been front and center, taking up the bandwidth of everyone, supporters and opponents alike. For opponents, everyday is pretty much a What the F**k moment, because it just seems to get worse with … [Read more...]
I sat down not too long ago with Dr. Amit Goswami, the theoretical quantum physicist, author of 18 books, featured scientist in the films "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" and the "Dalai Lama Renaissance," and the subject of the film "The Quantum Activist," for my [Read more...]
Last week, I posted an interview I did with Andrew Cohen, the Founder of Evolutionary Enlightenment and the former editor-in-chief of EnlightenNext magazine, for my Interviews … [Read more...]
I sat down not too long ago with Andrew Cohen, the founder of Evolutionary Enlightenment, the former editor-in-chief of EnlightenNext magazine, the author of seven books, and the former spiritual leader of a community known as EnlightenNext, with centers in seven countries, for my [Read more...]
Back on June 17, Andrew Cohen, the internationally renown teacher of Evolutionary Enlightenment, gave an evening presentation in Saratoga Springs, NY.
He is following up that evening talk with a full day workshop in Saratoga Springs, NY, Awakening to the Evolutionary Impulse, taking place on Sunday, Oct. 1 from 10am - 6pm at the Spring Street Gallery, 110 Spring St., in Saratoga Springs, NY.
The format for the workshop is … [Read more...]
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