Deepak Chopra on Quantum Physics and Consciousness
Where does creative intelligence come from? Yes, I know it comes from the mind, but it’s a different mindset to think in a creative fashion than it is when you are thinking logically.
When you use your creative intelligence, you are accessing the dreaming mind, the aspect of your mind that taps into a greater world.
You are actually accessing the world of quantum physics when you use your creative intelligence, a world that tells us of a vast and unlimited universe, a world of infinite energy, infinite potential and infinite information.
This is where the source of the creativity lies.
The Zero-Point Field
Quantum physics tells us that the source of all matter is what is called the Zero-Point Field. It lies at the core of the universe and it is where matter emanates from.
When you dream and use your imagination, you are tapping into the place where consciousness, stillness, breath and wisdom originate from, the place that Eastern philosophies call Universal Mind, or Big Mind. This might sound mystical, but you have to remember that the source for most famous ideas throughout history have come to their originator in a flash, often when they were least expecting something. The inventor Nicola Tesla said, “Creative ideas come to us like a bolt of lightning.”
To access the Zero-Point Field, it is a matter of being still and calm, and feeling your center. In other words, you become light of body and mind. And you know what we call that—that’s right, that’s the Low Density Lifestyle.
When you are in that Low Density Lifestyle mode, you don’t have blockages that impede your ability to access the Zero-Point Field in order to use your creative intelligence to your utmost potential. When you are living a High Density Lifestyle, you have too much static and densities in body and mind, blocking your ability to fully utilize your creative potential.
This is why when someone gets a creative thought, a new idea or new insight that comes to them, it comes when they fully relax and allow themselves to just be in the flow. That sounds familiar, right? That’s because, as I’ve said before, to get into a Low Density Lifestyle, you have to be FREE—you have to Flow, Relax, and do things with Effortless Effort.
In the above video, Deepak Chopra explains the world of quantum physics. After watching the video, you may understand these heady ideas better.
As I have been saying throughout this series on creative intelligence, we all have it. We all have tremendous innate genius potential, it’s just waiting to be utilized. So start right now.
In tomorrow’s last installment from this series on creative intelligene (I know, I know, all good things must come to an end) we’ll hear from Elizabeth Gilbert, best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love on genius and the creative process.
Michael, thank you again for sharing this. I was just listening to a teleseminar with Dr. Hari Shama on Ayruveda and Consciousness. He drew parallels between Ayruveda and quantum physics. We are all connecting to the same truth using different language. An interview with Dr. Shama can be found on Healthworld online.
My best to all of us living the low density lifestyle!
Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND
Thanks Sarah for sharing the info about Dr. Shama’s teleseminar. And you’re right, the language may be different, but the truth is the same.