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Image Credit: Stephen Criscolo
… [Read more...]Author…Healer…Change Agent
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When a person is unhealthy, it is hard for them to see beyond their physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. Instead, because of their ailments, they are stuck in a quagmire in which they live in a disempowered and apathetic way. So it is with the United States –it can’t see beyond the troubled state of its healthcare system.http:www.quantumrevolution.net/living-a-low-density-lifestyle/the-health-of-a-nation/ Image Credit: Robert Grischek … [Read more...]
To change the health care system of the U.S. will take a philosophical shift in understanding what healing is all about. The medical system’s mission is to help people be healthy, yet the modern medical system knows nothing about delivering health. That’s why the United States, the richest and most prosperous nation on the earth, is one of the unhealthiest countries on the planet. Read more at … [Read more...]
Sometimes it’s hard to stop that critical voice – the harsh endless judgment that we deal out to ourselves daily. It alters our perception so we see everything in a negative light. The Elephant Journal writes that it’s funny how our pain can appear to come from external conditions, when, in actuality, it’s radiating from deep within us. It is so harsh that it paralyzes us. We need to learn how to celebrate every little speck of progress and see … [Read more...]
Thomas Paine was, according to the Huffington Post - the one truly radical Founding Father, fighting for the soul of America. He fought to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in. He also believed that despots seek out wars as a way of controlling their own people. Fast forward to 2015 and we have 2 million American children homeless and 15 million hungry. Is this the American Dream, to fill the coffers of … [Read more...]
Close your eyes. Then, slowly inhale and exhale four times. When your thoughts start to wander, keep coming back to your breath. By the third breath, you will feel your heart begin to slow, stillness calming it to a sweet comfort level. The beauty of deep breathing is that you can do it anywhere -- whether you are standing in line at the store or preparing a meal. … [Read more...]
Traditions around the world vary greatly – from eating twelve grapes on the second at the countdown to midnight in Spain, to wearing anything with circles on it or eating round food to ensure good fortune and prosperity in the Philippines. Ecuadorians scare away bad luck by setting fire to scarecrows stuffed with newspaper outside their houses. In Bolivia, wearing yellow pants can increase fortune, whereas in Mexico if you wear red then you’re … [Read more...]
The components were dropped in by helicopter but the only other way to reach the pod is on foot. The refuge sleeps eight and even has an internet connection to allow climbers to check on weather conditions. How would you like to stay there? … [Read more...]
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