Ah, Elvis. You were the King. At one time you were so young and nimble and moved with such grace and agility. You shook those hips and moved in ways that could make young girls swoon.
But what happened? Towards the end of your life everything you once were vanished, leaving you a shell and a parody of who you once were. You were bloated and addicted to drugs. You lived your life in a drug-addled haze.
You lived the dream and everyone worshiped you. But obviously, something was missing.
And now, 32 years after your death, the truth can be told.
You sneered at yoga.
Yes, you sneered at everything, but even more specifically you gave the raised lip to yoga.
If only you stuck with it, it could have changed your life. You could have been healthier, happier, and even more importantly to your legions of fans, still alive.
And you could have become Yogi Elvis, the guru of country and western, rockabilly, yoga loving fans everywhere.
And you would have been an inspiration to all those yearning to live a Low Density Lifestyle.
But instead, you got sucked into a High Density Lifestyle.
And all because you refused to take yoga seriously. You had your chance, but you walked out the door when yoga beckoned.
If you don’t believe me, watch the above video and see for yourself.
Everything you have stated above is NOTHING BUT LIES!!! Did you know him personally??? Well, I did!!! He was a sweet, kind, loving, generous person who was a devout CHRISTIAN. He gave away millions of dollars to charities, poor families, friends and many others. As he got older he became bothered by health problems. The ONLY drugs that he ever took were prescribed by a DOCTOR!!! The problem arose when he went to another doctor while he was on the road and was given a different prescription, but he was never told not to take tho old one any more. His death happened when at home he took both of prescriptions at the same time. It was an ACCIDENTAL DEATH. He was one of very few to go through the Hollywood grinder and come out perfectly clean. Many stories are told about him but that is exactly what they are, STORIES concocted by many different people out of jealousy. And one more thing. I don’t know who’s bright idea it was to tell that he was found in the bathroom but that is a lie as well. He had gone downstairs to get a book and he was found the next morning in the library. Don’t ever believe anything you read or are told even by someone who is supposed to know what they are talking about. Only believe what you see and hear with your own eyes & ears and even then make really sure that you know exactly what you saw & heard before you start telling the story. Now you probably won”t believe what I have told you but I don’t really care because I KNOW FOR CERTAIN THE I’M TELLING THE TRUTH!!! God knows the truth and I don’t need anyone else’s sanction on what I know.
There are way too many people running around telling lies about him and I HATE IT!!! They don’t know a THING they’re talking about. I loved him, I still love him and I will love him for all eternity. I KNOW THE TRUTH!!!
As for the video, it is part of the movie Easy Come, Easy Go, a scene that what meant to be funny and NEVER meant to be taken seriously. He may not have gotten into Yoga himself but he had great respect for it. Yoga is very time consuming and that’s one thing that Elvis never had enough of, TIME. However, contrary to your snide remarks, Elvis was very limber physically as you can see in the video since he was THIRTY-TWO at the time. There are way too many people running around telling lies about him and I HATE IT!!! They don’t know a THING they’re talking about. I loved him, I still love him and I will love him for all eternity. I KNOW THE TRUTH!!!
And YOU are one of the LIARS!!!