Today I continue with the second part of a three-part exclusive interview I recently did with Mimi Kirk, who is no ordinary 71 year old. In 2009, when she was 70, Mimi was voted by PETA as the sexiest vegetarian female over 50.
If you didn’t see the first part of the interview with Mimi Kirk, don’t forget to review it by clicking on this link:
An Interview with Mimi Kirk, Part 1
The interview was conducted over skype with only one technical snafu – about halfway through today’s interview Mimi’s screen froze, so you’ll see me wait about 10 seconds until Mimi’s screen unfroze. After that the interview continued without a hitch.

As you watch the above video, you’ll hear Mimi talk about:
***why to become healthy you need to become empowered and take responsibility for your health
***how she manages to wear out her boyfriend, who’s 19 years younger than she is
***why the way you think, your attitude about life, your happiness, and your ability to laugh are also crucial to health, along with diet
***what holds people back from changing their diet and making healthy lifestyle choices
***how she manages to live a stress-free life
***what the common threads are amongst people who live long lives
***how to start living a healthier lifestyle
***why eating meat and dairy is unhealthy
***that she takes no medications, and also takes no supplements
***why she shops primarily at farmer’s markets
Mimi Kirk has a lot to say, and all of it is valid. I think you’ll agree with me, as you watch this video, that Mimi is an incredible inspiration to all of us.
Tomorrow I’ll be back with the last installment of this three-part interview, so don’t forget to tune in tomorrow…
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