Dr. Michael Wayne

Your Mind – The Greatest Computer of Them All


Hello Mind

I want to introduce you to your mind, and let you know that it is the greatest and most powerful computer ever invented.  No computer will ever come close to the mind’s abilities.

One of the things a Low Density Lifestyle can do for you is cultivate your Creative Intelligence and Inner Genius. You will use more of your mind’s potential and be capable of tapping into the innate genius within.

But unfortunately, most people don’t utilize their mind’s tremendous computing power.  Why?  Because they are caught up in a High Density Lifestyle.

It is only when you are living in a Low Density Lifestyle that you can access the magnificent potential of the mind and the amazing computer that it is.  Why is this?  Because when you are FREE – in the flow, being relaxed and living in stillness, and acting with effortless effort – your mind can function more efficiently.

Research has shown that stress—which is the core component of a High Density Lifestyle—affects the mind in a negative way.  And research has shown the opposite—that you think more clearly, more focused and use more of your mind’s potential, when you are more relaxed—in other words, when you are living a Low Density Lifestyle.

So let me introduce you to your mind, and tell you some facts about it that point to why it is the greatest computer ever built.

A Guided Tour of Your Mind

The human brain is estimated to have one trillion brain cells.

We are capable of storing 280 quintillion—280,000,000,000,000,000,000—bits of memory in our brain.

The speed of our brain is estimated to range from 100 to 100,000 teraflops (a teraflop is one trillion flops, and a flop is the standard measure of computing speed). The world’s fastest computer operates at a speed of 100 billion flops.

We process 125 bits of data per second through our conscious mind. The unconscious mind processes billions of data per second. And our memory approaches a 100% retention rate. We remember potentially everything, although most of those memories lie in the unconscious.

The Sad News

And now, the sad news.  Researchers into human potential tell us that we use at most five percent of our mind’s capabilities, although it is known that the great majority of people use no more than one percent.

The Truth About Your Mind

In the next few days, I am going to tell you more about your mind and what its potential is.

The truth is that the potential of the mind is vast. But if you read the above facts about your mind, you knew that already.

The truth is that you and everyone else has genius potential.

But you will tap into the genius potential of the mind and its great computing powers only if you live a Low Density Lifestyle.

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