When you think more inclusively and more holistically, whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, etc., or an atheist, you learn to love and appreciate your fellow human being, and to be more tolerant and less judgmental of who and what they are.
After all, isn’t the concept of God about all-encompassing love? Isn’t it about love for your brethren, love for those different than you, love for strangers, love for all life – whether people look, act and behave like you, or not?
Shouldn’t we be tolerant of the differences in each other? If people are not hurting anyone, shouldn’t being tolerant mean live and let live?
This is also the way of Christian love, because you are then living by the Golden Rule, of doing onto others as you want them to do onto you.
Recently, two members of this “Church,” came onto the British comedian Russell Brand’s TV show to explain their point of view. These two members of this “Church” really did a crappy job of explaining their ideas and values in a manner that would gain any converts, unless you are also filled with hate, bile and intolerance.
You can see the interview in the video at the top of the page.
Who are these people? What planet did they come from? What God do they pray to? It’s obviously not the God of love.
They are such a misrepresentation of what Christian love is all about. They are also an extreme example of a reactive worldview, a way of seeing the world that – and we see this exemplified by modern-day conservatives – is not accepting of people different than them.
This worldview is starting to lose its grip on the world; they are in their waning days.
Good riddance. That may not be very tolerant of me to say that, but there is no place in this world for such hate, bile and intolerance.
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