On Sat. Feb. 20, I hosted an event called the Revolutionpalooza. It was part book launch for my new book, “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform,” part Scenius, and also a celebration for the coming Revolution.
Well, the Revolutionpalooza was an unqualified success, with over 100 people attending, helping to create an electrifying, magical, magnetic and beautiful event.
There was live music; free organic/vegan food; bodyworkers, energy healers and an aromatherapist, all offering free sessions; guest speakers; and a talk by myself – I spoke about the Quantum Revolution.

Believe me when I say it, this Revolution is underway. It is no longer something we are hoping will come, it is here and moving forward. A new future is emerging, and we have a golden opportunity to make it happen, if we want it.
There is no doubt there is much volatility in the air and much to be concerned about. Yet, the future belongs to those who see what is upon us.
An open future awaits: this is what is emerging, blossoming and coming to fruition. It is occurring technologically, culturally, economically, politically and spiritually—and this movement has entered into the mainstream.
Right now, the media is fixated on the presidential election, and especially the candidacy of Donald Trump, who is one of the most, if not the most, overtly hateful and nasty candidates ever to be a frontrunner for the nomination of a major party.
Sane people are in disbelief about Trump, and worry that he could become President. I can guarantee you that there is not a snowball’s chance in Hell that Trump will be elected. There are not enough Americans who would vote for him. He represents a small and dying breed, that of people who are angered by the shifting sands in the U.S. and feel disempowered and disenfranchised by it.
Indeed, the sands are shifting towards this new paradigm – towards this new society the Quantum Revolution will usher in. But the aim is not to leave anybody out in the lurch, but instead to include all – “a rising tide lifts all boats,” as President John F. Kennedy once said. Whereas Trump incites the folks who feel disempowered and disenfranchised to embrace their dark side, we must instead embrace and include these folks in order to help them acknowledge the better angels of their nature.

As the paradigm moves into this new and open future, the old way is shrinking and sinking. There will continue to be last gasps and shrieks of this old way, which is what the candidacy of Donald Trump represents – he is truly the dark side of the American zeitgeist, and as I said, it is something that is fading away.
More people are awakening, and they are not buying into this. People want something that represents a more compassionate, positive and collaborative vision.
Trump’s voice and vision, and the rest of the Republican candidates for that matter, have nothing to offer that gives people a sense that we are moving towards a more holistic, sustainable and enlightened world.
The only candidate who speaks that language is Bernie Sanders – he even uses the term Revolution to explain his candidacy and the movement that he is leading.
But regardless of whether Bernie Sanders wins the nomination, or it goes to Hillary Clinton, this Quantum Revolution will continue to gain steam.
Because, as I said, the Revolution is under way.
I will continue to speak out and write more on this, so stay tuned.
Have you read Michael Wayne’s new book “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform?” If you haven’t, you owe it to yourself to do so, as it’s a book that promises to help ignite the movement that is sweeping our society and world, a movement that can usher in a more holistic, sustainable and enlightened world. Go to this link to get your copy now!: The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform
Your new book is inspiring. It’s an easy read. We came from Syracuse to Saratoga Springs to experience the Palooza. Thanks Michael
I’d like to invite you to Syracuse. We’ll have to explore the best way to do make this happen.