Today is the final segment in this three-part interview with Ashley Gonzalez of PETA.
In case you missed Part 1 or Part 2, here’s the links:
The PETA Interviews, Part 1
The PETA Interviews, Part 2
In this interview we talk about talks about PETA”s mission; animal cruelty in slaughterhouses and on farms; the prevalence of E. coli and salmonella in animals and why this occurs; the detrimental effects of eating dairy foods; and PETA’s sexiest vegetarian over 50 contest.
After you watch this video, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that it is a very enlightening discussion.
To learn more about PETA, go to, and to learn about the sexiest vegetarian over 50 contest, go to
I just stumbled across your blog yesterday, and I am enjoying the information found here. BUT why feature PETA when you talk about living a low-density lifestyle? SO many of PETA’s activities and viewpoints couldn’t be farther from your overall message. Members of this group tend to be misinformed, sensational, and irrational. While some of their arguments are valid, many are unfounded. Their advertisements play on people’s emotions to invoke anger and outrage rather than to educate for change. I am a veterinarian here in the US, and I can tell you that video footage shown in many of PETA’s videos is not the norm in this country. Sometimes, I don’t think their videos are even from this country (even when their advocates say they are). The conditions look too odd–almost foreign. Why believe them just because they have enough celebrity funding and backing to be heard?
It seems that I have found a tangent here. What I really would like to say is this: The meat / poultry industry is a double-edged sword. I am on the front lines many days in the animal / meat industry. Our food here in the USA is usually (not always) super-clean and well regulated. Also, we veterinarians and most of our clients–the animal producers–genuinely care about production animals and their individual welfare. Unfortunately for the animals, the system is what it is at the current time. The standards are likely decided by those in board rooms with deep pockets. Of course, these standards do not look at all like those maintained by subsistence farmers. While PETA may be something of a voice for the animals in our country and around the world, they are way too extreme to accurately represent the situation many times (especially here in the heart of Farm, USA). Many PETA members do not even think about working in the production animal industry to help change it from the inside. They just keep doing what they are doing with little-to-no real effect. Overall, PETA is NOT a well regarded organization, and their members are, in fact, considered to be a threat to the very animals they aim to “protect” because of their general ignorance.
I apologize for creating a disturbance on your peaceful blog. I do, however, feel it is important for people to understand what animal professionals think of PETA and its members. I do realize that my comments cannot possibly apply to ALL PETA members, but my observations do seem to hold true for the group as a whole. I do agree with vegetarianism, etc. I do opt for more animal-friendly choices for my own life. However, I do not buy into sensationalism. I feel that it only serves to inflame people and does not bring lasting change.
Just my opinion…
Dr. Anonymous (because I work in veterinary academia)