"The greatest challenge of the day is how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution that has to start with each one of us" - Dorothy Day … [Read more...]
Quote of the Day: 11/5/13 – Thich Nhat Hanh
"Enlightenment, for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes that it is water." - Thich Nhat Hanh … [Read more...]
Quote of the Day: 10/10/13 – Jean Houston
"There is something else that is trying to come through - that lure of becoming - and it does come from the realm of spirit, it does come from the quantum universe, it does come from the great spark that is the threshold of time and history trying to emerge and electrify us." - Jean Houston … [Read more...]
All It Takes Is A Step In The Right Direction…
An Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
An Autobiography in Five Short Chapters is by Portia Nelson CHAPTER ONE I walk down the street. . . . There is a deep hole in the sidewalk . . . I fall in. . . . I am lost . . . I am hopeless. . . . It isn’t my fault. . . . It takes forever to find a way out. CHAPTER TWO I walk down the same street. . . . There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. . . . I pretend I don’t see it. . . . I fall in again. . . . I can’t believe I’m in the same place. . . … [Read more...]
Our Mission…
The mission of the Center for Quantum Revolution is to help usher in a new, positive, holistic and sustainable paradigm into our world. There have been many revolutions throughout the course of history, and some have succeeded while others have failed. But if it is just a political transformation, it is not enough. It has to be a transformation of consciousness, and a transformation of systems, in which people begin thinking and doing with … [Read more...]
Quote of the Day: 7/31/13 – Philip Zimbardo
“The greatest gift that you can give to others and to yourself is time. Embrace the gift of time whether you give it or receive it.” … [Read more...]
Creative Intelligence: The Key to Your Inner Genius and the Quantum Revolution
In an earlier post entitled "Imagination, Creative Intelligence and the Quantum Revolution," I talked about how imagination, which is the use of creative intelligence, is the key to a Quantum Revolution. I further said that if a Quantum Revolution is about the cultivation of enlightened minds that put into motion enlightened action which creates a more holistic and sustainable world, then imagination is the facilitator of that more enlightened … [Read more...]
Seven Steps To Enlightenment
Below is a brief, 7-step guide to finding yourself in times of chaos, big and small: Step 1: Feel the ground beneath your feet. First chakra. Practice stillness and simplicity. And breathe. Step 2: Stay true to who you are. Second chakra. Continue to create and express yourself. Make time for your practice, your outlets, your passions. Step 3: Focus on what's important. Third chakra. Harness your determination. Why do you aim to accomplish all … [Read more...]
Quote of the Day: 7/9/13 – Leo Tolstoy
"If you see that some aspect of your society is bad, and you want to improve it, there is only one way to do so: you have to improve people. And in order to improve people, you begin with only one thing: you can become better yourself." - Leo Tolstoy … [Read more...]