In my last article on Health, I stated that we are a Drugged-Out Nation, and that when you take medications, it lessens your ability to achieve true health. How did we get to the point that drugs use is at such an epidemic level? As I mentioned in Drugged Out Nation, the per capita usage among Americans is 12 medications per person. I'm not saying to quit taking your medications right now, as that may not be a wise thing to do. What I am saying … [Read more...]
Drugged-Out Nation
In my last article, Living a High Density Lifestyle, I showed a photo of some medications, with the caption for the photo reading "Drugs are how many people cope with their stressful lives." And when I talk about drugs, I mean the pharmaceutical kind, not the recreational ones. You know, the stuff you go to the drug store to get. I'm not anti-drugs. There's a time and place for them. They can save lives. And sometimes they are necessary. But … [Read more...]
Living a High Density Lifestyle
In my previous article, Living a Low Density Lifestyle, I wrote about a Low Density Lifestyle, and I explained that this phrase means living in a more relaxed, less stressed, and calm, clear and focused manner on an everyday basis. It is also a way that can lead you to better health and happiness, along with living a more fulfilled … [Read more...]
Living a Low Density Lifestyle
In a previous article I wrote, The Health of a Nation, I talked about the collective health of the U.S. and how poor it was. I said how the U.S. spends twice as much on health care per capita than any other country, yet people are twice as sick due to the high rates of chronic disease. I further mentioned that our health care system in this country is not a health care system at all but a sick care system, because the money is in sickness, not … [Read more...]
The Health of a Nation
Today I'd like to talk about the health of the U.S.: I am sorry to report this but the United States is a sick country, and one that knows nothing about what health and healing truly is. Its medical system is highly flawed, in danger of collapse and is primarily a sick-care system. The U.S. spends twice as much on health care per capita than any other country, yet people are twice as sick due to the high rates of chronic disease: 75% of all … [Read more...]
Now is the time to become a Quantum Revolutionary …
It’s still somewhat of a simmering revolution, yet it’s one that’s been going on for quite a few years now, in many realms and sectors. The tide is turning, and if these movements are steered correctly, this could be one of the greatest social and cultural transformations in history, with the potential to create a peaceful, just, holistic, compassionate, and sustainable world. I call it the Quantum Revolution. Image credit: … [Read more...]
Find our way to a better world…
To find our way to a better world, we have to embrace a larger perspective, a global one, in which we see things from a holistic viewpoint in which we integrate our minds and hearts, and in the process develop and cultivate a more evolved consciousness. … [Read more...]
Positive thinking…
An interesting article from relax kids reminds us of the Victorian style of teaching where we would have to repeat one hundred lines – I will not…. I will not…., after a bout of indiscretion. This system of repeating a thought was meant to drive deep into the child’s psyche. I’m sure there were few re-offenders as sore ink-stained fingers were a good deterrent. The theory goes that our bodies almost listen to our thoughts and whatever we think … [Read more...]
Our Mission…
The mission of the Center for Quantum Revolution is to help usher in a new, positive, holistic and sustainable paradigm into our world. There have been many revolutions throughout the course of history, and some have succeeded while others have failed. But if it is just a political transformation, it is not enough. It has to be a transformation of consciousness, and a transformation of systems, in which people begin thinking and doing with … [Read more...]
New to Yoga?
Try this basic yoga pose for beginners. Known as the 'downward dog', you can get stronger and more flexible (even if you've never downward-dogged in your life) with this move. Here goes: *Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips. *Walk hands a few inches forward and spread fingers wide, pressing palms into mat. *Curl toes under and slowly press hips toward ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted V, pressing … [Read more...]