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The 50 Components of a Quantum Revolution, as a PDF, and learn how you too can be a Quantum Revolutionary!
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… [Read more...]Two recent posts on the Quantum Revolution website were about imagination, creativity and innovation. One was the recent interview with Keith Reinhard, for the Interviews with the Leading Edge series. The other was a quote from the noted philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre said, “Imagination is not an empirical or superadded power of consciousness, it is the whole of consciousness as it realizes its freedom.” The importance of this quote cannot … [Read more...]
The Low Density Lifestyle book is now out! You can check out an excerpt from the book, and buy it, at the Low Density Lifestyle bookstore. The series on the Masters of Enlightenment continues today with a profile of a man who was one of the greatest scientists of all time, and who, through his blend of logic, creative intelligence and … [Read more...]
I've been talking for a few weeks about Creative Intelligence, and the last few days about Vision and how being a Visionary is something innate we all have brewing within. So today for some inspiration I would share with you quotes of some noted visionaries of the 20th and 21st centuries. I hope this gets your wheels turning and encourages you to start cultivating and evolving your own vision. Words of Visionaries Muhammed Ali: To be able to … [Read more...]
Creative Intelligence and I.Q.: In yesterday's post, I told you that I.Q. is not the true test of whether a person is a genius. I told you about Albert Einstein, and how not-very-bright he seemed growing up. I also told you … [Read more...]
Creative intelligence and IQ: Which do you think is more important in telling us whether a person has genius capability? Why IQ, right? Everybody knows that. Why just in the news recently was this: Older Fathers Linked to Lower I.Q, Scores The children of older fathers scored lower than the offspring of younger fathers on … [Read more...]
The Paradigm Shift
A paradigm shift in health care is upon us, and it has the potential to bring momentous changes to the health of all. This shift is bringing integrative and holistic approaches to healing into the mainstream of medicine. This paradigm shift in health care is a great thing, because it will help a lot more people realize … [Read more...]Are you living a Low-Density Lifestyle? Get the free 5-day e-course.
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