Stress is a major impediment to living a Low Density Lifestyle. It will stop your ability to be in the flow and find your center of calm and stillness.
Stress can negatively impact your health, well-being, happiness, and ability to live a productive and successful life. Stress will keep you living a High Density Lifestyle.
One of the things about stress is that for a lot of people, because they’re not in touch with how they feel, they aren’t even aware that they are stressed out.
And so, with that in mind, I’d like to offer you some helpful advice to recognize some of the signs of when you are over the edge with too much stress:
1. You get sick often. Stress can depress the immune system, making you more susceptible to various upper respiratory ailments.
2. You have digestive problems. One of the places that stress is felt in the body is in the digestive tract. You may have trouble digesting food, you may get stomach pain, you may have acid reflux, or you may have irritable bowel sydrome.
3. You suffer from pain. It could be back pain, joint pain, or even headaches.
4. You easily get anxious. Stress can affect the nervous system and make you very wired, so that things can easily set you off and cause your heart to race, your chest to become tight, and your breathing to become shallow.
5. You are easily angered. Stress will cause you to have a short fuse and to unload on people, even loved ones, often times for reasons quite trivial.
6. You can’t sleep. You go to sleep, but your mind is still racing, still thinking about everything. Or you go to sleep, but then you wake up, and can’t fall back asleep.
7. You act erratically. You do things impulsively, or you do things that you normally wouldn’t do.
8. You are drinking or using recreational drugs a lot. You need a way to unwind, and so you turn to drinking or drugging as an outlet to help you release all that pent up energy.
9. You are using pharmaceutical drugs to enhance/stabilize your mood. Stress can negatively impact your mood, attitude and emotional health, and so if you are not aware of how stressed out you are, you will be turning to prescription drugs to help you.
10. You lack focus and clarity. You forget things easily, and can’t think clearly. You also can’t focus on any one thing and mentally flit around.
I strongly suggest using the above 10 signs to help you manage your stress. Your life will improve greatly for doing so.
Hello Dr. Michael Wayne,
I am Alvin Brown’s assistant and am very happy to make your (virtual) acquaintence! I have joined the 5 day course and look forward to receiving them. I happen to notice that the 5-day sign up window that pops ont this website, does so continually and thought you would like to you…Alvin indicated that I should bring it to your attention.
I hope you have a very happy day!
take care