Watch the above video, Dream…Believe…Love: The Quantum Revolution.
We can change the world – if we want to.
Dec. 21, 2012 is supposedly the end of the world. Or the end of the Mayan calendar. Or both.
Dec. 14, 2012, the week before, seemed like the end of the world. That was the day of the horrific and unspeakable violence in Newtown, Connecticut.
What have we come to that such a despicable act could occur? Is this truly the end of the world?
Or perhaps it is the beginning of a new world – if we want it to be so. If we consciously choose to evolve, we can take this as a challenge to elevate who we are to a more developed and evolved level.
All we have to do, as the above video says, is Dream…Believe…Love.
There is no end of the world coming. We will wake up on Dec. 22 and still be here.
But there is something grander coming. It will take time, it will be a slow and steady progression, with occasional leaps and bounds and occasional regressions. But it is coming nevertheless.
There is a lot of good in the world right now. It may be hard to believe when we all feel the devastation of what happened in Newtown. But regardless of that, there are a lot of people who are hearing the calling to be more humane, kind and loving in everything they do, and to realize that each and everything they do makes a difference.
These are people who are becoming more enlightened, in ways big and small.
Enlightenment doesn’t necessarily mean some great spiritual revelation and an arrival at nirvana. Instead, enlightenment can mean that we become more complete human beings, more emotionally, cognitively, physically and spiritually evolved. You can become this way irregardless of your religion – or if you have no religion at all.
Instead, it’s about your perception and worldview – do you think of the greatest good in your actions and behaviors, and are you able to see beyond your own personal space, or are you caught up in your own story and in the ego’s little games that it plays?
Amidst the darkness, there is a brighter and better world ahead. If we want it. All we have to do is Dream…Believe…Love.
And by doing so, we can become transformed, and more complete human beings.
We can change the world, each and everyone of us.
Happy holidays!
Love the video! Thank YOU!
Encouraging words we can all choose to act on…