I sat down not too long ago with Mark Nepo, the author of the NY Times bestseller, “The Book of Awakening,” and 17 other books, including his most recent book, “The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart,” for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
Mark is a writer, poet, and sage, and speaks from the heart. His profound insights are the pearls of wisdom of a sage. He is also someone who embodies the authentic life of an awakened human being.
Mark has gone through his own journey, a healing journey from cancer, and it was that journey, a breaking open, that led to his own transformation and awakening. Coming through that journey and landing on the other side taught him a lot.
At the heart of Mark’s teaching, what he learned from his healing path, are the lessons of the art of humanity and the art of living, and also the steering through the turbulence of living to land at the shores of awakening – what Mark calls “the career of awakening.”
I invite you to watch this very enlightening interview that delves into the terrain and map of the human spirit. You can do so right here: Mark Nepo interview
Have you read Michael Wayne’s new book “The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform?” If you haven’t, you owe it to yourself to do so, as it’s a book that promises to help ignite the movement that is sweeping our society and world, a movement that can usher in a more holistic, sustainable and enlightened world. Go to this link to get your copy now!: The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform
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