Dr. Michael Wayne

Longevity – Secrets to Living a Long and Healthy Life: Part II

ft_hdr1Longevity, the ability to live a long and healthy life, is one of the things that a Low Density Lifestyle can do for you.

If you want to experience longevity and live a long and healthy life, there are nine secrets to doing so. And whatever your age, whether you’re young, middle or elderly, or young at heart, if you take these nine secrets into account, you will have found the Fountain of Youth.

In yesterday’s article, I gave you the first three secrets. Today I will give you the next three secrets to longevity.

The Secrets to Longevity

Secret #4:  Drink Red Wine (or Beer) in Moderation
Studies of cultures that are noted for longevity have found that they all have a daily drink – one or two at most – of wine, beer or sake.  Drinking this amount has been found to lower the risk of heart disease, reduce stress and can reduce chronic inflammation. The best type of wine is a good quality red wine, while the best type of beer is also good quality and unadulterated, such as those made from handcrafters.

Secret #5: Have a Sense of Purpose
If you have a goal, a reason for getting up in the morning and going through the day, you feel like you have a mission in life, something that spurs you on to achieve greater heights. Contrast that with someone who feels as if life is drudgery and has no purpose.

Someone like that won’t feel energized to wake up every morning and take on the day, whereas if you have a sense of purpose, everyday offers new challenges to achieve your vision and dream.

Your sense of purpose can be a grand vision, or it could be something as simple as providing for your children, family or other loved ones. It could also be to always keep learning and expanding your mind, and so you’re always taking on new activities or challenges.

One way or another, the trick is to have something to live for.

Secret #6: You Need Decompression Time
We’re all so good at accumulating lots of stress in our lives, but not as good at the opposite, of finding the time to destress. Decompression time, the ability to stop, unwind, relax and enjoy the simple things, is a fine art that seems to be a rare commodity for so many people.

Decompression time is also essential for living a Low Density Lifestyle.

How often do you stop and smell the roses? Or stop and watch a thunderstorm? Or do some other thing that is not about being busy and doing, but instead allows you to enjoy the passage of time?

So many people are busy with their lives, along with shepherding their kids off to one place or another. In the equation, we’ve become busier and busier.  But what is needed is down time, the decompression time.

Ok, that’s it for today’s secrets to longevity. I’ll be back next time with the next three secrets. Until then, as Mr. Spock always says, “Live long and prosper.”

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