What’s holding you back from creating a Quantum Revolution in your own life? You know, where you feel happy, fulfilled and purposeful, and you are moving beyond your fears and comfort zones to use the greater capacities of your mind?
I have written a lot about this, from the concept of Visioneering to breaking free of your comfort zones.
Truly, if we are to create a more holistic, sustainable and enlightened world, as I advocate when I talk about a Quantum Revolution, then it starts with the personal: Are you willing to get past the fears that keep you in your comfort zones, the fears that create the self-induced impediments and limitations in your own life – and break on through to the other side?

Here’s how Jim Morrison and the Doors put it, from their song Break On Through to the Other Side:
You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
That’s right, you can try to run and try to hide, but ultimately you need to break on through to the other side.
The political scene in the U.S. is a mess right now, with Republicans in Congress and the White House continually spreading lies and distortions that confuse so many people. As I said in my article Healing the Divide in Ourselves, “Fear is a dark energy of infinite shape and size that can consume you by feeding you with lies and distortions.”
These politicians are just pushing the fear button in the electorate, pushing people to vote against their own best interests, which drives us further and further apart. You may not like what these politicians are doing, which then begs the question: do you fight it with anger, and in the process become that which you are fighting against by encompassing the anger, or do you go transcend it by moving past your own fear to rise to new heights?
If you rise to new heights, you are truly breaking on through to the other side.
Instead of becoming overcome by the dark energy that is currently circulating out of our political situation, embrace the good, the true, and the beautiful – and there is much good, true and beautiful going on all around you. It starts with how you see the world and what is emanating from you.
When you get past what is holding you back, when you move past the comfort zones of your own life, that is when you touch on your power and create something good, true and beautiful in your own life.
We cannot be filled with hate: Even if it’s hate against injustice. Instead we have to move forward with love, and with happiness. Conservatives are generally miserable, and want everyone to share in their misery by pushing the fear buttons in people. Instead, we have to shower them with happiness and love.
Where does that happiness and love come from? From your power, from the true nature of your own embrace of what is good, true and beautiful in your life.
“The arc of the universe is long, and it bends towards justice,” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It bends towards justice not by filling the world with hate towards injustice, but by showering the world with creative solutions towards what is not right, by showing what is possible.
That’s where creating a Quantum Revolution in your own life comes into play. By moving past your own self-imposed limitations, by breaking free of your comfort zones, by embracing your inner Visioneer, what you can create is limited only by the confines of your own mind.
And if the mind’s capabilities are infinite, as they surely are, than what you are capable of creating is surely infinite.
And all it takes is to channel your inner Jim Morrison and Break On Through to the Other Side. You can see Jim sing the song in the video at the top of the page.
I am offering a free webinar on Tuesday, May 30 at 8pm Eastern Time, entitled “The Secret Behind Your Comfort Zones: Why Fear Holds You Back From Embracing Your Greatness.” Learn more and sign up at The Secret Behind Your Comfort Zones
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