Dr. Michael Wayne

Four Reasons Having A Baby Can Make You A Better Yogi

1. Dhyana – moments of stillness become even more valuable and appreciated once you are chasing ’round after a little one.

2. Pranayama – inhale, exhale. A deep breath can be a lifesaver. We all have bad days, taking a deep breath or 20 can really help. Babies feed off the energy around them. So if you are frustrated or feeling overwhelmed, baby feels it too. Even recent studies have been done to show how breathing slowly and calmly can influence babies.

3. Yamas and Niyamas – the importance of instilling manners and values, is one thing each parent will struggle with, but part of being a yoga momma means that you have the wonderful guidance of the yoga sutras to help you. Making sure you take care of yourself, treating others with respect will influence your child too.

4. Samadhi – no one is in the present moment quite like a baby and this can encourage you to do the same too.

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