The BBC wrote about a University of California study comparing the benefits of 200mg of caffeine (the average amount in a cup) to a 60 to 90 minute daytime nap on various memory tasks. They found that a nap generally improved memory performance, while caffeine either didn’t affect – or worsened – performance. The promised benefits of sleep have even persuaded a few firms to allow their employees to nap at work. Recently software company HubSpot designed a napping room in its Massachusetts office that features a hammock and dim lighting. Do you have a nap during the day? Image credit: Jenny G photography
I’m wondering whether there’s a study on how alternating tasks during the day improve performance . . . In my own experience, I cannot do the same thing for hours on end. I lose interest and my performance plummets. But if I have several things to accomplish and I alternate between them whenever I get tired, it invigorates me.