Image credit: Green Renaissance.
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The 50 Components of a Quantum Revolution, as a PDF, and learn how you too can be a Quantum Revolutionary!
A CSIRO solar thermal test plant in Newcastle, Australia, has generated “supercritical” steam at a pressure of 23.5 MPa (3400 psi) and 570°C (1,058°F). "It's like breaking the sound barrier; this step change proves solar has the potential to compete with the peak performance capabilities of fossil fuel sources," Said Dr Alex Wonhas, CSIRO’s Energy Director. Image credit: … [Read more...]
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… [Read more...]The fresher produce is, the more nutrients it has. By buying locally, you’ll minimize the amount of time wasted between harvest and consumption, and optimize the nutritional value for your body. The produce is fresher and usually has not been subjected to irradiation (getting zapped by radiation to kill germs), wax coatings, or prolonged refrigeration. Image credit: … [Read more...]
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… [Read more...]These patriotic fruit kebabs are perfect for a family picnic or barbecue. Try red and white watermelon, banana, pineapple, strawberries and raspberries, peeled pears and of course blueberries! Soft fruit can be cut with a cookie cutter for a starry addition. Picture credit (various): … [Read more...]
According to a report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, 40 % of food in the U.S. goes uneaten. Getting ugly fruit and veg into grocery stores and onto plates would go a long way to cutting waste. Intermarché, a French grocery store, is sticking up for the ugly produce of the world, with a new marketing campaign and a 30% price reduction. With slogans like “An ugly carrot is a beautiful soup”, we like their style! … [Read more...]
The authors of the paper have broken the body down by organs and cell types. They’ve scoured scientific literature for details on the volume and density of cells in gallbladders, intestines, bone marrows etc, then came up with estimates for the total number of each kind of cell. They estimate, for example, that we have 2 billion heart muscle cells. Adding up all their numbers, the scientists came up with 37.2 trillion cells. Impressive! Picture … [Read more...]
Harvard professor David Edwards, designer François Azambourg and biologist Don Ingber have together designed the WikiPearl, a bite-sized morsel of food wrapped in packaging that protects the food, is edible and biodegradable. Made of a "protective electrostatic gel formed by harnessing interactions between natural food particles, nutritive ions and a polysaccharide," this skin is water- and oxygen-impenetrable. Picture credit: … [Read more...]
How will you make your voice heard this year for the environment? The call this year is to recognize that we all face the same challenges and are connected and united by our common goal of a sustainable and prosperous life for all on this planet. Whether it is to organize clean up campaigns, food waste reduction initiatives, walk-to-work days, plastic bans, art exhibits, tree-planting drives, concerts, recycling drives or social media campaigns … [Read more...]
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