Bill Maher has a sharp wit, a sharp tongue and a sharp sense of what’s right.
And on the issue of pharmaceuticals and the drug companies, Bill Maher is one of the harshest critics around.

He doesn’t pull punches, and he speaks his mind. He’s funny, sarcastic, ironic, and knowledgeable.
Maher is a big advocate of healthy living, and feels the only way to truly reform the health care system is for people to learn how to be healthy.
Along with that, people need to learn how to resist the distorted message of the drug companies, in order that we can stop being a drugged-out nation.
So I invite you to watch the above video, and the videos below, to hear Bill Maher speak forcefully and forthrightly. You’ll find yourself laughing, while at the same time shaking your head in agreement, knowing that what he speaks is the truth.
And it might just make you angry at the drug companies and the way health care is practiced in the U.S.
The key is, if you do get angry, to do something about it. Like, just saying no – to taking pharmaceuticals.
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