Last week, I posted an interview I did with Andrew Cohen, the Founder of Evolutionary Enlightenment and the former editor-in-chief of EnlightenNext magazine, for my Interviews with the Leading Edge video interview series.
You can see the full interview here: Andrew Cohen interview.

One of the things we talked about was the concept of awakening to the evolutionary impulse and its relationship to creativity and innovation, and in the video clip above, excerpted from the full interview, Andrew and I talk about this.
The evolutionary impulse is a creative one, and so it makes sense that what comes out of awakening to this evolutionary impulse is the creation of the new, of something that hasn’t been seen before.
In these times of tremendous innovation, it’s possible that this means that the evolutionary impulse is becoming more and more available and evident. And that is why awakening to the evolutionary impulse has so much potential for our current time.
I hope you’ll enjoy the above video clip and what it tells you about the importance of awakening to the evolutionary impulse and the tremendous creativity that can come forth from this awakening.
On Sunday, Oct. 1 from 10am – 6pm, Andrew Cohen will be leading a full day workshop, entitled “Awakening to the Evolutionary Impulse,” in Saratoga Springs, NY at the Spring Street Gallery, 110 Spring St. To learn more about the workshop and to register, you can go here: Andrew Cohen Oct. 1 Workshop
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