Dr. Michael Wayne

The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners and Why They’re Bad for Your Health

The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners and Why They’re Bad for Your Health

Special Report #6 (11 pages)
Price: $4.95

If you think sugar and high fructose corn syrup are bad for your health, then how about artificial sweeteners? They are even worse for you than sugar is.

A diet laden with artificial sweeteners will cause all kinds of health problems, and will definitely not allow you to experience healthy living nor live a balanced life of health and wellness. 

So let’s take a look at the world of artificial sweeteners, or as they are also called nonnutritive sweeteners.

Since the 1950s, when nonnutritive sweeteners came into existence, they have been seen as a weight-loss sweetener wonder that allowed people to have their sweets without the
calories and cavities. Nonnutritive sweeteners are also referred to as intense sweeteners, alternative sweeteners, very low-calorie sweeteners, and artificial sweeteners. 

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