Dr. Michael Wayne

You Say You Want a Revolution? Here’s the 8 Steps to a Peaceful Revolution

Gene Sharp

Professor Gene Sharp, author of the classic book, From Dictatorship to Democracy, has influenced millions of people around the world to free themselves from tyranny and dictatorship.

He has outlined eight steps to achieve a peaceful revolution. It is time for these steps to go into affect in the U.S. – we need a Quantum Revolution, and we need it now!

Here are the eight steps:

  1. Make a well-considered plan for the revolution in advance. Spontaneous actions are okay, but they must form part of an extended plan. Also consider what the country should look like if the revolution succeeds.
  2. Overcome protesters’ fears by starting with small acts of resistance.
  3. Don’t be naive. Dictators often use violence to stay in power, even when they’re approached nonviolently. Be prepared.
  4. Use colors and symbols to express the revolution’s unity.
  5. Learn from other revolutions’ histories. What works, and what doesn’t?
  6. Identify the regime’s supporting pillars (such as the police, the army, financial institutions and so on) and think of ways to undermine them and get them on your side.
  7. Expose cruel and violent acts perpetrated by the regime to get more people on your side.
  8. Remove people from the revolution who use and advocate violence.
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