Dr. Michael Wayne

The World According to BP’s CEO Tony Hayward

During the course of this series on green/sustainable living, one of the topics I have not written about is the ecological disaster that is the Gulf Coast oil spill.

BP CEO Tony Hayward
BP CEO Tony Hayward

The media has covered it extensively, and we all know that the repercussions and consequences will be felt for at least the next decade, if not longer.

And we also know that this could be a turning point in the need for a massive paradigm shift towards a society based on renewable energy and sustainable living.

And so, because it has been covered so extensively, I didn’t see the need to add anything onto it.

Until I kept reading the statements of the CEO of British Petroleum, Tony Hayward. One of his most recent statements, that he’d “like his life back,” has to go down in the annals of moronic statements of all time.

BP's new logo

There have been people killed, animals that have died and/or been drenched in oil, and livelihoods lost, because of the oil spill. Yet poor Tony Hayward has only concern for poor Tony Hayward and the fact that his life is in disarray.

Hayward has failed to grasp the scope of the disaster his company has created, and he’s obviously out of touch with the devastation that BP has wrought.

In other words, he’s a first class jerk.

And so, thanks to the NRDC, a video has been made that compiles his most ridiculous quotes relating to this disaster and combines it with images of what the spill has wrought. You can see it at the top of the page.

The sad thing is that when Tony Hayward is no longer head of BP, he’ll still be able to laugh all the way to the bank. Tell that to the people and animals who live around the Gulf Coast.

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