Dr. Michael Wayne

The Heart Attack Grill

The Heart Attack Grill? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the above video from CBS News.

I’ve been talking about health all week – health is such an important aspect of a Low Density Lifestyle.  At first I talked about the coming Paradigm Shift in Health Care Part 1 and Part 2, then I discussed diet and nutrition, first about how the food lobby is doing their best to make sure kids eat horrible lunches, and then about one school that’s been a sugar and junk food-free zone.

And so today, to wrap up the week talking about health, I thought it would be quite the lesson to watch a video about the restaurant in Chandler, Arizona, The Heart Attack Grill, that aims to please – if you like things greasy, fatty and fried.

Granted, The Heart Attack Grill is quite the unique place, and the theme is funny – and laughter and humor are part of the 12-step guide to living a Low Density Lifestyle.

But couldn’t they have one healthy option?

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