Dr. Michael Wayne

The Beauty of Not Knowing

Video from KarmaTube

In the short video above, we hear from the brilliant sage/physicist Richard Feynman on the beauty of uncertainty and not knowing. Can we live without knowing answers, and with having more questions than answers?

We want to know, want to know what’s next. But in actuality, most of life is unknowable and unpredictable. To realize the fullness of life, we have to accept this fact. When we understand that we live in an open, infinite universe, we also come to know that life is not deterministic, not predictable and not fully knowable.

Richard Feynman

Sages and mystics have understood this. And with this video, Richard Feynman explains it in his own iconic way.

As he says, “It’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” He also says, “I don’t feel frightened not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe.”

The simple beauty of a flower captivates artist and scientist alike. Where our world exists without answers, without definitions, we seek answers and definitions. Sometimes we find them but when we don’t, what does that mean? What does it say about us? What does it say about our existence? This short video explores the world through the eyes of Richard Feynman: emotional, visually beautiful, intellectually evocative.

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