Dr. Michael Wayne

Low Density vs. High Density Lifestyle

The opposite of a Low Density Lifestyle is a High Density Lifestyle. This way of living sooner or later creates blockages, or density, in the body and mind. When there’s high density in the body it can measurably be observed as high blood pressure, along with high levels of plaque, cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoproteins (where a Low Density Lifestyle is the right kind of LDL, low density lipoproteins are the wrong kind of LDL), and other markers of negative blood chemistry.

A person with high density in their body and mind will suffer from chronic health problems, and also will be prone to rigid and inflexible thinking.

At first, it’s actually easier to live a High Density Lifestyle than a Low Density Lifestyle. That’s because a High Density Lifestyle occurs when you go through your day on autopilot, oblivious to your body, environment and relationships.

How does a person end up living a High Density Lifestyle?  Living a stressed-out existence is one of the primary ways.  The greater the stress and overstimulation, the more the body will produce excess amounts of adrenaline, cortisol and other fat-soluble steroids in order to keep you in fight-or-flight mode and capable of staving off what is perceived as a threat to your existence.

The problem with these chemicals is that they cause tangible densities in the body.  Once they are manufactured, because of their fat-soluble nature, the body doesn’t easily metabolize them, leaving their toxic chemical residues to linger in the blood stream and to be stored in various regions.  The end result is damage to the body, and it can be severe.

“There is more to life than increasing its speed,” Mohandas Gandhi once said.  And this is so true.  Looking for more speed at all times is a sure-fire prescription for living a High Density Lifestyle.

People need and want to get off the gravy train of the High Density Lifestyle. They want to be FREE.  They want to be more in the flow, relax and feel their stillness, do things with effortless things.  This is our natural inclination and aspiration.  This is the Low Density Lifestyle.  This is the way life was meant to live.

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