I’ve even pointed out that there are questions about steviaand agave, the natural herbal sugars.
So now the question is: how much sugar do you eat?
I’m going to show it to you in pictures. In the following pictures, each sugar cube shown is about four grams – and four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon of sugar. The cubes are stacked, and the more sugar, the bigger the stack.
If, for example, the picture shows 10 sugar cubes, that means that eating that food is equal to eating about 40 grams of sugar.
And keep in mind, the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for sugar is six teaspoons a day (24 grams) for women and nine a day (36 grams) for men. So that’s about six cubes a day for women and nine for men.
How much do you eat?
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