Dr. Michael Wayne

Is Unconditional Love Hardwired Into DNA for All Species?

I was talking in the last article about Mother’s Day, and how as a holiday it is truly a tribute to the principles of living a spiritual life – of practicing unconditional love, along with kindness and compassion.

To live in this manner is to live a highly principled life and to also live a Low Density Lifestyle.

Is it possible that unconditional love is something that all species – humans and other animals – have hardwired into their genetic code? If so, then living in this manner is something innate, and something we share with all other animals.

And if it is something innate, then even if our hearts have been hardened over time by the slings and arrows of misfortune, deep within our soul is this longing to touch that part of ourselves that can feel unconditional love for others.

It is also possible that unconditional love can cross boundaries, and one species can have unconditional love for another species.

Watch the above two videos and see for yourself the unconditional love that one species can have for another. You’ll be glad you did watch them, because it will touch your heart to watch them.

And after you watch the videos, try practicing unconditional love, kindness and compassion. You’ll feel so much better for doing so – you’ll feel lighter of body, mind and spirit.

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