Dr. Michael Wayne

How to Access Your Leading Edge

Screen Shot 2016-05-11 at 8.36.13 AMOn Thursday, May 19 at 9pm Eastern time, I’ll be hosting a free webinar entitled “How to Access Your Leading Edge.”

I hope you can join me. If you can, there will be a live Q&A during the call. If you can’t make it, the recording will be available for download sometime after the call. Whether you attend it live or get the recording afterwards, you’ll need to register at: How to Access Your Leading Edge.

So, let me explain what I mean by leading edge.

Science tells us that we use less than 10% of the mind’s capabilities and potential, with the exact number varying anywhere from 1% to 9%.

We have such amazing potential for greatness, to be Visioneers, but instead we live far from what we are capable of living.

That is your leading edge, to use the greater mind’s capability and live closer to your

greatness, and to your Visioneer ability.

When you do access and live at your leading edge, you become just like the people I’ve been interviewing in my video interview series, Interviews with the Leading Edge: you become someone living to your evolutionary potential and someone with an enlightened visionary mind.

When you live this way, you become more brilliant, more intuitive, more mindful, more awakened, more in touch with your feelings, more wise and more enlightened.

Accessing your leading edge is part of the process of metanoia. Metanoia is a term used in psychology to signify when a person has a shift in their perception and view of themselves and the world. Often this shift happens quickly, and is akin to an awakening. Metanoia can be used to both access your leading edge and to heal, physically and emotionally.

Healing through metanoia is also known as Quantum Healing or Quantum Transformation.

More and more people are waking up and accessing their leading edge, and when the numbers reach a tipping point, there will be a Revolution in our midst, because then we will be living in an evolved open culture.

There are things that hold you back from accessing your leading edge, though. The primary thing is fear: Fear of not conforming to the expectations of others; fear to upset the apple cart; fear to wake up to your greatness; fear to live in truth and honesty with yourself; and more. But fear is a mental construct, and its grip is meant to keep you from accessing your leading edge.

But as more and more people access their leading edge and live life with their greatness intact and bubbling up, there will be more role models to inspire you to also live that way, and more support for you to embrace your fear and realize that by acknowledging the fear, you can move past it.

I hope you can make my webinar, and I hope you too can access your leading edge and become a Visioneer.

Come join Michael Wayne on a free webinar, “The Quantum Revolution: How to Access Your Leading Edge,” on Thursday, May 19 at 9pm Eastern time, to learn how to become a Visioneer, in order to help you embrace your greatness and also to help you open your mind and heart to this new reality, that of an evolved open culture. Be part of this Revolution, in your own life and in the life of others.


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