Dr. Michael Wayne

Future Life Progression and the Art of Self Mastery: Finding the Leading Edge of Your Potential

Any psychologist will tell you that past behaviors are good predictors for what will happen in the present and how your life will unfold.

But did you know that according to quantum physics, how your life unfolds in the future is also a good predictor for how your life will take place in the present?

We can’t undo the past, but we can create the present by co-creating the future as we want it to be.

The quantum field is the primordial soup of existence. It is a realm teeming with infinite possibilities, one that emits frequencies that vibrate with resonance. When you are in coherence with this field, you open up to your future life and progress into the world your heart knows is possible, a world in which you gain self mastery.

Just as past life regression can take you back to the lives you have lived at different points in your eternal existence, future life progression can take you forward to the life you are capable of living, and bring that future life back to your present life.

Through future life progression, you can then gain self mastery over your entire life. What does self mastery mean?

It means moving past your self-created comfort zones to find the leading edge of your own potential. As you do so, you gain more mastery of your emotions, relationships, work, creative expression, leadership capabilities, and potential to live a happy and fulfilling life. This is a life in which fear no longer rules your life; instead what rules your life is courage, boldness, daring, being innovative, creative, foolish, zestful, open, and tapping into your innate genius potential.

If you are ready to experience Future Life Progression and the Art of Self Mastery, I suggest you come to a workshop by that very same name that takes place on Sunday, October 21, 2018 from 11am – 5pm at One Big Roof, 538 Maple Ave., Health and Wellness Building, in Saratoga Springs, NY. 

The workshop will be led by myself and co-presented with Katrina Clay, publisher of the Healing Springs Journal. Katrina is a Shamanic Reiki Master, certified Shapeshifter Practitioner, workshop facilitator, speaker, writer and nature/animal lover. She founded the Healing Springs Journal magazine in 2002 and continues as publisher. Katrina utilizes ancient tools to guide people to their natural wholeness.

Register for this workshop, taking place on Sunday, Oct. 21 from 11am – 5pm: Future Life Progression and the Art of Self Mastery.


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