Dr. Michael Wayne

Drugs and the Crazed Chimp

prescription-drugsHow many drugs do you take? One, two, half a dozen, maybe even a dozen? Or maybe you’re in the minority and take none.

Drugs for Everything

We have drugs for everything—to help your cholesterol, to thin your blood, to elevate your mood, to settle your anxiety, to lower your blood sugar, to reduce inflammation, to kill pain, to stop your headaches….the list goes on and on and on.

Way Too Medicated

We are way too medicated as a culture. There are times when drugs can be helpful, and there are occasional times when they are necessary, but forgive me if I am repeating myself—we are way too medicated as a culture.

You want to be healthy? You need to lessen or stop your medications. Drugs block the ability for your body’s own innate healing system to work. And drugs block your ability to live a Low Density Lifestyle.

When you take pharmaceuticals, it blocks the body’s ability to tap into its own healing reservoir. We all have great innate healing capabilities, but we don’t even scratch the surface of utilizing them.  Instead we run to the doctor for every ailment, and predictably a medication is given. But doctors aren’t fully to blame—writing prescriptions is what they’re trained to do.

Travis the Chimp

You may have heard in the news about the chimpanzee who recently went berserk and severely mauled a woman in Connecticut. The 14-year-old chimp, Travis, was a family pet and was highly intelligent and extremely friendly and docile. After the mauling, the Travis was hunted down by police officers and killed. Travis’ behavior stunned his owner, because it was so out of character.

What caused Travis to go crazy? It turns out that a little before the attack, he had been acting rambunctious—he had taken the keys to the house and unlocked the door, and went outside and was walking around the neighborhood. Travis’ owner brought him back inside and then gave him tea mixed with the anti-anxiety medication Xanax.  The drug had not been prescribed for Travis.

In humans, Xanax can cause memory loss, lack of coordination, reduced sex drive and other side effects. It can also cause aggression.  This is what caused Travis to snap.

So if this drug changed the behavior of a docile chimp so radically, what can it do to a human?  Its use is to calm you down, but it can do quite the opposite.

And so, the lesson of this is (and I know this is a bad pun): Don’t monkey around with drugs. You won’t find your way to a Low Density Lifestyle if you do.

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