Dr. Michael Wayne

Comedy Has Always Been King

greatescapeComedy, humor and laughter have always been king. They have been an essential part of living since the dawn of humanity.

Instinctively, people have always known that humor and laughter just plain makes you feel better, and because of that, people have been trying to make each other laugh as long as there have been people walking the planet.

You may have read the article of a recent archaeological finding in which scientists found hieroglyphics on a cave that through extensive carbon dating were able to trace back to 500,000 years ago.

They were able to translate the cave writings as the following:

Q: Why did the dinosaur swallow Maury and then spit him out?
A: Because he tasted horrible without Tobasco sauce!

Granted, all those years ago, comedy wasn’t as refined as it is now, so the jokes weren’t as good.

But you get the point: humor and laughter is an important part of our DNA.

And, as I have noted many times in this series on humor and laughter, it’s an essential part of living a Low Density Lifestyle.

So as a series finale on the subject of humor and laughter, I want to present to you some kings of comedy, going back to the early part of the twentieth century.

And so, ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, I now give you a series of videos featuring some geniuses of the art of comedy, laughter and humor:

1) Buster Keaton:

2) Laurel and Hardy:

3) Charlie Chaplin:

4) W.C. Fields:

5) The Three Stooges:

6) Abbot & Costello:

7) Monty Python:

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