Dr. Michael Wayne

Accessing the Quantum Mind

“Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a Field. I will meet you there.” – Rumi

Quantum physics tells us that the source of all matter is what is called the Zero-Point Field, also called the Field. In Eastern thought it is known as Universal Mind, Big Mind, or No Mind. We can also call it Quantum Mind.

The Quantum Mind lies at the core of the universe and it is where matter emanates from. When matter is birthed from the Field, it is in the form of consciousness, and it is composed of energy, frequencies and wavelengths, all communicating in resonance and with coherence.

Matter in its quantum state – consciousness – eventually becomes matter in our everyday world – this is the matter that we see, touch, feel, smell and taste. Yet, matter is still part of the quantum world, still contains the seeds of the quantum world within.

Matter in our everyday world no longer lives in resonance and coherence – it lives in dissonance and decoherence – yet it is always longing for resonance and coherence.

And since we are matter, this is who we are – at our core, we are quantum beings, living in dissonance and decoherence, yet within us are the seeds that call us back to resonance and coherence.

And our connection to Quantum Mind is strong, if we allow ourselves to hear it. To do so, we have to access it.

And to access it, it’s just a matter of being still and calm, and finding your center. That is when you can hear the call of the Quantum Mind.

What does accessing the Quantum Mind mean? It means accessing your own inner wisdom, your own visionary capabilities, and your own genius potential.

It means going beyond the dualistic voices within that pull you in 10,000 directions, and instead listening to the transcendent voices within that want to help you become more unified and integrated, and in touch with the Field.

Person to person, heart to heart, mind to mind – when more people access the Quantum Mind, minds grow, and with it, there is a stretching of the boundaries of personal and collective awareness.

This stretching of boundaries has practical implications, because it can lead to greater cognitive, intuitive and visionary abilities. People can then become more innovative, more brilliant, more loving, more insightful, more farsighted, more integrated, more passionate, more playful, and more visionary.

And with it, the ability to create the new society and world – a holistic, open and sustainable one – will become more readily apparent.


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