Dr. Michael Wayne

A Short Talk on Future Life Progression

A few days ago I posted a video conversation I had with Katrina Clay, the publisher of the magazine Healing Springs Journal, and my co-presenter for the upcoming workshop, Future Life Progression and the Art of Self-Mastery.

This workshop takes place on Sunday, March 11 from 11am-5pm at Namaste Yoga Center, 2 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, NY.

The cost for the workshop is $95 if you register by Feb. 28. After Feb. 28, the cost is $125. You can register for the workshop right here:

The above video is a brief excerpt from the entire video conversation Katrina and I had, and in this excerpt, Katrina and I talk about the fascinating ideas behind Future Life Progression, which include quantum physics, shamanism and shamanic journeying, psychology, and human potential.

The future impacts the present, as I point out in the video, and it is up to you whether you want that impact to be a positive or negative one.

When you align ourselves with the quantum field, when you get past your story and your self-imposed comfort zones, the universe will start to move you in the direction of a world that your heart knows is possible, and the one you want to live in and be a part of.

This world that you can go towards is one in which you attain self-mastery of your life. When this occurs, it allows you to live a more conscious and enlightened life, one that is liberating and opens you up to all that the universe has to offer.

I suggest you watch the video above to learn more, and then come to the workshop on Sunday, March 11. I hope to see you there.


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